Thursday, October 25, 2012

Gettin' our run on

Ben's sister Shannon has totally inspired us to lace up our racin' shoes.  She did the couch to 5K program and now is going to run her first 10K!  Thanks for getting us excited to run!

Problem 1: Ben hates running

Solution: Introduce technology feature

With the Couch to 5K application on his iPhone, he is actually motivated and excited to track his progress and see how fast he can get.

Problem 2: Steph's shin splints

Solution: Stretching and Strengthening Exercises

I always get terrible shin splints when I run.  I've tried several different types of shoes and ways of running, but nothing seems to help.  I found some great exercises on the interwebs to strengthen my calf muscles and have been doing them.  Hopefully this will help b/c it hurts like nobody's business.  The only time I ran and didn't have this problem was when I ran the St.Jude Half Marathon, the cold weather might have helped with the swelling, plus it was a pretty flat course.

Problem 3: Ben's flat, fat feet


We've been doing some research to find the best shoes for Ben because he has super flat feet and they are also very wide.  Introducing the New Balance 880v2

We are motivated, cleared our obstacles and are excited to begin. We will start our program on Saturday, November 3rd, in honor of Shannon's 10K.

 We are also going to run a 5K race after our training is complete.  We haven't decided which one we're going to do yet, but it will be at the end of December or beginning of January.

Please ask us how our running is going whenever you see us.  Hold us accountable for our new found exercise program!

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